You’re Invited to DRI’s 10th Birthday Party!

December 6, 2015 is a momentous day for Digital Rights Ireland: it is our 10th birthday. To celebrate ten years of being at the forefront of the fight for digital rights, you are invited to help us launch a month of #dri10 festivities at DRI’s 10th Birthday Party Celebration in Dublin:
WHAT: DRI’s 10th Birthday Party Celebration
WHERE: The Speakeasy Bar at Flanagan’s, 61 Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin [ WEB | MAP ]
WHEN: Sunday, 06 December 2015. Drop in any time from 6 – 9 PM.
WHO: You! Come by to meet the people behind DRI and other friendly DRI supporters.
HOW: To RSVP, simply add your name to the guest list below.
There will be food, cake, and a cash bar, as well as prizes and a very special announcement. So spread the word and please join us on the night — we’d love to see you there!