Two Weeks until Digital Rights Europe, the DRI Conference

DRI is delighted to be welcoming a world-class line-up of international and domestic experts to Digital Rights Europe 2015, our inaugural conference focused on the most critical European-wide issues around digital privacy, digital security and data protection. #dre2015 speakers will cover a wide range of topics across the day’s schedule.
The one-day conference will take place on Wednesday, 15th April 2015 at the Grand Canal Hotel, Dublin and will feature an opening address by Dara Murphy, TD, Minister for Data Protection.
Morning Sessions: Privacy, Data Protection and Data Security
The day will begin with a series of plenary sessions featuring Simon McGarr, who has represented DRI in the Schrems case for Europe v Facebook and will be speaking on Regulation, Litigation, and the Rise of Fundamental Rights; Brian Honan, a Special Advisor on Internet Security to Europol’s Cybercrime Centre (EC3) on what companies and organisations should be doing to better protect the personal data that we entrust to them; Elizabeth Knight, Legal Director at the Open Rights Group, speaking on the UK’s legislative framework in light of the Snowden disclosures; and Joseph Dalby and John Wright of Flightpath, discussing questions of privacy, data protection and ethical issues that arise with the popularity of drones in both private and public body hands.
Afternoon Sessions: Access, Restrictions, Rights and Responsibilities
Afternoon speakers on the first track include DRI Director and law lecturer Dr TJ McIntyre on the legal and civil rights issues presented by filtering or blocking of websites on copyright, ethical and legal grounds; solicitor Linda Scales on the property and copyright issues inherent in a uniquely European ‘Database Right’ and the need for reform; barrister Fergal Crehan on Privacy and Data Protection guarantees in Irish law and the regulatory framework through which these rights are enforced; and lawyer Elizabeth Fitzgerald on standards of technical competence, responsibilities in protecting clients’ information, and minimising risk for legal practitioners.
Afternoon Sessions: Technology and Policing
The second afternoon track is sponsored by SOURCE, the Societal Security Network, and focuses on the intersection of technology and policing. Speakers include criminologist Dr. Pete Fussey from the University of Essex; Sadhbh McCarthy, Director of the Centre for Irish and European Security; Dr. Mark Maguire of Maynooth University; and Lieutenant Alan Kearney, a Hume Scholar at NUIM. Topics and panels will cover the use of body cameras, surveillance technology, social media, drone technology, and the use of mobile phone video both by law enforcement and bystanders.
Tickets to #dre2015
Tickets include full day entry, parking, WiFi, tea, coffee, and lunch. Attendees will have access to the Blacknight Solutions Recharge Lounge, the breakout area for recharging delegates and recharging devices. The day will wrap up with post-event drinks in the hotel bar with beer, wine, non-alcoholic options, and signature cocktails named and themed for each of our generous sponsors.
Standard Tickets are €135 and ticket holders can choose to attend any sessions throughout the day. These tickets are also suitable for legal professionals who can self certify. CPD Tickets are €175 and qualify attendees for a CPD certificate for at least 5 hours of CPD credits for attendance on the CPD track.