WIPO Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Orgainisations: Update
The WIPO broadcast treaty (or Treaty on the protection of broadcasters, as is its official title) seems to have gone into retreat for the time being. The WIPO General Assemblies did not rubber stamp the recommendation to convene a diplomatic conference (to finalise the treaty). …
Launch of DRM.info: what the public should know about “Digital Restrictions Management”
Earlier today, a group of likeminded organisations and authors launched DRM.info, a collaborative platform to share information about the impact, use and potential dangers of DRM. DRM is commonly discussed as “Digital Rights Management” (DRM) or “Technological Protection Measures” (TPM). However, as the experience to …
Terrorism no excuse to undermine privacy
Peter Hustinx, European Data Protection Supervisor: Terrorism and organised crime should not be used as excuses for passing laws which undermine people’s privacy and data protection rights … It is a misconception that protection of privacy and personal data holds back the fight against terrorism …
The DRI legal action – What can you do to protect your rights?
We are at the edge of Europe, but our legal action challenging mass surveillance has implications for the whole European Union. We are the only group bringing a legal challenge and we need your support. We need support on a number of fronts: – We …
DRI brings legal action over mass surveillance
We have now started our legal action against the Government challenging Irish and European laws on data retention. Here’s the full press release. DIGITAL RIGHTS IRELAND CHALLENGES MASS SURVEILLANCE LAWS Irish civil rights group Digital Rights Ireland (DRI) has started a High Court action against …
Support a right to be warned if your personal information is exposed
Disclosure of your personal information can expose the most private details of your live and leave you vulnerable to identity theft. Unfortunately Irish law doesn’t require companies to tell you when their security has been compromised and your personal information stolen. The first you might …
Data Retention in Pictures
David Rooney’s Irish Times cartoon neatly sums up the problems with data retention. A small detail is shown below – click on that to open the full cartoon in a new window. (Many thanks for permission to use the cartoon.) …
Eoin O’Dell joins DRI
We’re happy to announce that Dr. Eoin O’Dell will be joining DRI as a director. Eoin is a Lecturer in law and Fellow of Trinity College Dublin and is an acknowledged expert in areas including privacy, defamation, media regulation and freedom of expression. Amongst other …
Sunday Business Post article on Freedom of Speech Online
Many thanks to Adam Maguire, writing in the Sunday Business Post, for covering our concerns about Irish libel laws and their impact on free speech online. We’ll be doing our best to secure greater protection for online publishers in the new Defamation Bill. Excerpt: The …
Irish Times Endorses Data Retention Case
Yesterday’s Irish Times contained an editorial (subscription required) discussing data retention and supporting our case. We’ve taken the liberty of reproducing it here: Data retention needs fine balance How closely should a State monitor its citizens? Should it track every letter you send and receive? …
Media Roundup – Data Retention
We’ve achieved very good publicity since we announced our Data Retention case with front page stories in the Irish Times and the Irish Examiner, and coverage in the Irish Independent and Silicon Republic. We’ve also had radio coverage on Today FM (Matt Cooper), Newstalk FM …
DRI challenge to Data Retention
Digital Rights Ireland has written to the Minister for Justice and Law Reform, Michael McDowell TD, and to the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, Noel Dempsey TD and to the Garda Commissioner. We have looked for undertakings from them to cease breaching the …