Images on this site are sourced from Creative Commons and other sources requiring attribution. We credit images on the page they are used where possible; otherwise, images are attributed below. We thank the creators for sharing their work.
Image Attribution'.get_the_title($iaid).''; } ?>

17126928421_08e0303d37_k | Adewale Oshineye

5150193425_04e69ef137_o | Hiroyuki Takeda

A model of the GCHQ headquarters in Cheltenham | Matt Crypto

About Cookies | Matthew Pearce

Austrian Flag | James Cridland

Banksy GCHQ | Brian Robert Marshall

Banksy GCHQ | Brian Robert Marshall

Copyright | Joanna Ortynska

Data Security | Robert Scoble

Database | Michael Mandiberg

Database | adesigna

dre15-slide2 | Vancouver Film School

dre15-slide3 | Cédric Puisney

dre15-slide5 | Sebastiaan ter Burg

DRI Year in Review | Dee Speed

Dublin Street Nameplates | Jnestorius

ECJ | Wikimedia Commons

ecj-external | Katarina Dzurekova

European Court of Justice | Gwenael Piaser

European Court of Justice | Photographer

European Parliament in Strasbourg | jeffowenphotos

FACEBOOK(LET) | Facebook Front

Financial Times | Image from

Flag | Andrej Jakobčič

GCHQ Doughnut | Matt Crypto

How your money was spent | Images Money

International New York Times | Image from

Leinster House | Robin Stevens

life-bouy | Kelsey

Media coverage of Schrems case | Front pages from

Microsoft Sandyford | Red Agenda

Noírín | Tom Coates

OMG lol | Summer Skyes 11

Postcodes | Paolo Trabattoni

Prism Collection | Wikimedia Commons

privacy | Kevin Dooley

Privacy | g4ll4is

Privacy Day 2014 | vintagedept

Privacy Update | Yuri Samoilov

SECON 2104 | The Value Web

slide07 | Giuseppe Milo

slide08 | Numan Q.

social-protection-data-breech | Nick Carter

Summer vacation 2011 friends and family | Kevin Dooley

Thank You! | Steven Depolo

Web Blocking | Placeit

World’s largest Irish flag | John Hoey